Let's Talk Jesus

Bible Based Teaching

Light The Flame

Are you seeking God to teach you and walk with you along life’s journey? Do you hunger and thirst for Jesus to give you peace?  I have great news God wants you to have all the benefits of the Kingdom. 

John 14 v 26 says but the comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all the things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.   

You are worthy to receive  healing, miracles, eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, and the most important part is having the Holy Spirit fill you with His power to speak in His heavenly language to combat every dart that comes against you daily.  I want you to be a mighty child of God! 

Let’s spread God’s love to hear the heartbeat of  the Holy Spirit flows through each of us.  I ask Jesus as we reach out to Him with Agape love which is Gods love for man kind that He will heal our land . We stand with you today with arms stretched high towards the heavens in pure surrender to Jesus.  

 I am ready for the fire of God and the Holy Spirits presence to surround this world and bring souls to the kingdom. The Holy Spirit is a beautiful presence of our heavenly Father God through Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and will be with each christian at all times for the spirit of God is the spirit of Jesus given to us through salvation. The Holy Spirit is Jesus unlimited to one place, for Jesus as man was restricted to what His body could do, but after Jesus died and sits in heaven at the right hand of God the Father, He sent His spirit to earth withouts limitations without a physical body to be with you, to be all over this world.

The Holy Spirit is omnipresent: meaning He can be anywhere at all times for the Holy Spirit is unlimited to one place He is Jesus Christ with no limitations.  Then you have the gifts of the spirit and those are given freely, all you need to do is ask and you shall receive. 


I receive Jesus!    LET’S TALK JESUS