Be still and Know

Happy New year filled with Hope and Miracles in Gods manifested presence.


Good day to so many near and far from our family to yours in Jesus Christ name.  

Children of God let me talk to you today about coming before God in stillness before Him.

Lets talk about this year 2024.  What do you want for not only the church body, but what are your desires as a child of the most High God.  The Holy Spirit is always with us and speaking to us and as we familiarize ourselves with his presence in being quiet and still before him, we then will hear His voice.  He is the still small voice and also a big voice, He will speak to you in a way you will understand and also discipline as a mother or father would.  No Im not saying He’s female or Male, He’s God! As you seek Him out and you go to Him with a child like faith He will come back to you and speak to you.  I have heard many say I don’t hear, but I believe and know you do. 

These have been a few examples learning to listen that I have seen in my life.  Their have been times especially in my younger years where I knew I heard or felt a tug to do something and I did not listen and lets say a mile down the road I said wow I felt to not go North and went anyways and now a train is stopped, or lets say I was at a restaurant and really wanted dessert and kept feeling a no , and I went ahead and got that dessert and by time I got home I was very sick.  Or maybe You wanted to leave out at 10:00 am to head to the store and you just kept feeling to wait and maybe take some time to pray and you later realized the road was blocked due to a crash at the time you were to leave.  This is the small voice in learning to hear and be obedient.  As you grow and you take more time alone in meditating on the word of God and praying to Him, you’ll start to get more direction on your life and decisions and His voice will become more familiar and clear to you.  You see He’s always speaking to us, But we are not always able to hear because we don’t take the time to slow down and get to know His voice.  Living as a christian is walking close to Jesus and following His scriptures and commandments.  

 Begin the new year His presence, take time alone with Him. Learn to hear His voice and follow His guidance in the small things and soon the big things will become easy.

Lets talk Jesus Sunday mornings in worshipping Him at 10:00 a.m and then we will open the bible at 11:00 and search the deep things of God.

6039 Robbins Road Portage Indiana 46368

Pastors William Persuhn, Jacob Wesley, Rachael Wesley