Be Whole is to be complete

For I am a child of God, Gal v 3:26 for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.


Now faith is hope the future, in Hebrews 11v1 the word of God says: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. You have to believe in something you cant see. This is where you read the word of God and you get a scripture to build your faith. Start to talk to the Lord God almighty as if he is your father.  He looks at you as a child no matter your age.  As a child you go to him with child like faith.  Think back as a child you dreamed and imagined daily.  Maybe for a toy for Christmas, or a birthday wish, you dreamed and got excited about what if.  Right?  Well let me tell you He is your daddy and he wants you to be excited to talk to Him to imagine the goodness of His face and His warm embrace. Once you start imagining you start to build faith in Christ Jesus. Now its time to start talking to him daily, just say good morning Jesus, good morning Holy Spirit.  Let Him be alive in you, because let me tell you when you ask Jesus to be your Lord and savior He is alive in you.  The Holy Spirit is within you speaking to you and directing you, the Holy Spirit is God Himself within you. Now thats awesome. Once you have received Jesus as your Lord let me remind you, He is WHOLE He is perfect He has no wants,  So you have the same benefit you are Whole, perfect, and lack nothing. He is greater then sickness, fear, lack, pain, and any feeling you have that causes you to feel negative thats just unbelief from satan.  Stand up and say I am healed because Jesus is Healed, I am perfectly whole because Jesus is whole, to be whole means: COMPLETE , all parts working together perfectly!

1 Thessalonians 5v23

Jesus wants you whole, You just need Him. If you have never received the gift of Jesus Christ as your savior, now is the time.  Repeat after me Lord Jesus I know I need you, I am sorry for my sins, all of them no matter how small or big, I am sorry and I ask you Lord Jesus Christ to carry all my sins, pain sickness, burdens, cares.  Lord Jesus I believe in the name above any name and I want to serve you as my King, come into my life and lead me as a king would into any battle any storm, Jesus be my all and all and restore my flesh my mind my heart to perfection in you.  Now thank Him and go get someone else saved and healed.


Be whole and perfected in Him and reach out to us @ or join us Sundays for prayer at 10:00 a.m and bible at 11:00

Be Whole and restored and rise up in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

Love you all,