
Time to let the child free from Trauma

In life we all have Trauma, things that cause us to not get on a bike, to not want to get in the ocean for fear of shark, to not step a foot on a plane.  Yes we all have things that hold us from doing what we really desire. Just google the word trauma, you’ll see that 15% of girls and 6% of boys have some sort of trauma or post traumatic event in their life, even into adulthood children tend to carry that weight that pain and even a supernatural weight that holds them to that trauma.

Now lets talk Jesus:

How many of you, have brought that problem into salvation a dragging weight you carry?   Wait He didn’t Jesus die with the weight of the world on His back, He hung bled and then died for you.   So that trauma, weight, sickness that you carry needs to die with Jesus whenHe died.  Jesus died for you and me after He carried the cross and your sins and sickness, then all the trauma should die with Jesus.  When you receive Him as Lord and savior then you no longer carry any burden, trauma, sickness, disease, Yes you heard it because it died with Him and when you became born again it then all died on the cross as well.  

Praise  God a glorious time to say I am set free and I was set free 2,000 years ago. 

Come join us Sunday mornings at 11:00 for bible study

6039 Robbins road Portage Indiana 46368

Rachael Wesley